Data-Driven Decisions for Tomorrow's Success

It’s your turn to shine when we put the research on your brand. We help get the attention and revenues your business deserves in the digital world.

A partner, not a vendor

About Us

Welcome to TNi Digital Solutions

At TNi, we are dedicated to empowering businesses with the most comprehensive market insights and competitor analysis. Established in 2016, our mission has been to deliver actionable intelligence that fuels strategic growth and competitive advantage for brands that deserve success.

Our Expertise

With a team of seasoned market analysts and data experts, we specialize in uncovering market trends, customer behaviors, and competitor strategies. Our expertise spans various industries, allowing us to provide tailored insights that are both industry-specific and universally relevant.

Our Approach

We believe in a data-driven approach combined with human expertise. Utilizing advanced data collection methods, cutting-edge analytics, and the keen insight of our experienced professionals, we deliver accurate, up-to-date information that drives decision-making.

Our Process

Detailed Market Research Reports

Competitor Analysis and Benchmarking

Consumer Behavior Analysis

Industry Trend Tracking

Custom Online Research Services tailored to your specific needs


Who We Are

2 +


150 +


4 +

Years Of Experience

We combines customer data with thoughtful work

Data research typically involves a systematic process to gather, analyze, and interpret information. Here’s an outline of data research broken down into four key steps:

Our Services

At TNi, client success is our success. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and transparency in our research. Confidentiality and trust form the cornerstone of our client relationships.

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Why tnidigitalsolutions

What we do

Define the Research Question or Objective

  • Identify and clearly articulate the goal of the research.
  • Determine what specific data is needed to address the research question.
  • This step sets the direction for the entire research process.

Data Collection

  • Select the appropriate method for data collection (surveys, interviews, data mining, observation, etc.).
  • Ensure the data sources are reliable and relevant.
  • Collect data while considering ethical guidelines and ensuring data quality.

Data Analysis

  • Process and organize the collected data for analysis.
  • Use statistical tools and techniques to analyze the data.
  • Interpret the results in the context of the research question.
  • This step involves looking for patterns, correlations, and insights within the data.

Reporting and Action

  • Present the findings in a comprehensible and structured format (reports, presentations, visualizations).
  • Discuss the implications of the findings and how they address the initial research question.
  • Make recommendations or decisions based on the research findings.

Each step in this process is crucial for ensuring the reliability and validity of the research findings. Proper execution of each stage leads to meaningful insights that can guide decision-making and strategy.


Team of over 50+ experts

Join Our Journey

As we continue to grow and evolve, we invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and success. Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation,TNi Digital Solutions is your partner in navigating the complex landscape of today’s market.

For inquiries or more information about how we can assist your business.


Digital marketing & industry insights